Purchased for: $11.99

- Alcohol Content: 12%
- Residual Sugar: 0.5%
- Gold Medal NY Wine & Food Classic, NY 8/09
Appearance: Light green and clear. No particulates
Aroma: Nice, strong riesling bouquet. Strong fruit notes, particularly pear; however, the description indicates that they are floral notes. I can see how I confused the two. Definitely clean and uncomplicated.
Taste / Texture: Great initial taste. Smooth texture with a punch of dryness, especially after eating something salty. The exact notes of flavor are difficult for me to separate out this evening, especially after my nose led me astray earlier. I'll just say that whatever the flavors, they're very nice.
Aftertaste: Medium-short finish. Nice lingering taste.
Decision: Very agreeable dry riesling. The notes are pleasant and the dryness doesn't over- or underwhelm the wine. I'd definitely buy this one again. 85/100.
I love Dry Riesling. Perhaps the German in me (actually Alcase) makes for vulnerable choices :-D