Saturday, November 27, 2010

Wagner - Reserve White

Tasted on : November 27, 2010
Purchased for: $5.99


Clear, pale, pale straw. Nice legs.

Aroma: Playful apple aroma.

Taste / Texture: Nice, fairly bold taste. Smooth, but neither thin nor thick. Apple note is at the forefront and I cannot detect other flavors.

Aftertaste: Pleasant aftertaste despite a relatively short finish.

Decision: Great value wine! Not only is it tasty and pleasant, it is affordable. 85/100

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Treleaven - 2008 Dry Riesling

Tasted on :November 20, 2010
Purchased for: $12.99
Wine Data
  • Alcohol Content: 10.9%
  • Residual Sugar: unknown, dry
Wine Awards and Ratings:
  • 2009 Wine Spectator - 85 points
Clear, pale straw. Bubbles are adhering to the sides of the wine glass.

Aroma: Nice, delicate bouquet. Hard to place exact notes aside from "fruity".

Taste / Texture: Excellent mouthfeel. Wonderful flavor. Crisp fruit notes.

Aftertaste: A lingering lemon on the sides of the tongue after swallowing. This note lasts longer than the taste on top of the tongue. Medium finish on the top of the tongue, medium-long on the sides.

Decision: Very respectable Riesling wine. Interesting flavor notes on different parts of the tongue. 85/100

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