Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

We here at the blog will be enjoying a sparkling wine from Swedish Hill to celebrate the occasion.
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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Wagner - Reserve White

Tasted on : November 27, 2010
Purchased for: $5.99


Clear, pale, pale straw. Nice legs.

Aroma: Playful apple aroma.

Taste / Texture: Nice, fairly bold taste. Smooth, but neither thin nor thick. Apple note is at the forefront and I cannot detect other flavors.

Aftertaste: Pleasant aftertaste despite a relatively short finish.

Decision: Great value wine! Not only is it tasty and pleasant, it is affordable. 85/100

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Treleaven - 2008 Dry Riesling

Tasted on :November 20, 2010
Purchased for: $12.99
Wine Data
  • Alcohol Content: 10.9%
  • Residual Sugar: unknown, dry
Wine Awards and Ratings:
  • 2009 Wine Spectator - 85 points
Clear, pale straw. Bubbles are adhering to the sides of the wine glass.

Aroma: Nice, delicate bouquet. Hard to place exact notes aside from "fruity".

Taste / Texture: Excellent mouthfeel. Wonderful flavor. Crisp fruit notes.

Aftertaste: A lingering lemon on the sides of the tongue after swallowing. This note lasts longer than the taste on top of the tongue. Medium finish on the top of the tongue, medium-long on the sides.

Decision: Very respectable Riesling wine. Interesting flavor notes on different parts of the tongue. 85/100

Friday, October 29, 2010

Swedish Hill - Viking White

Tasted on : October 29, 2010
Purchased for
: $6.99Wine Data:
  • Alcohol Content: 12%
  • Residual Sugar: 0.5%
Wine Awards and Ratings:
  • Gold medal NY Wine & Food Classic, NY 8/09
  • Gold medal LA Int'l, CA 5/09
  • Gold medal Indy Int'l, IN 6/09
Very clear, light straw-colored. Nice legs.
Aroma: Crisp apple aroma. Subdued such that it does not flit across the room to ensnare the nose.
Taste / Texture: My immediate reaction isn't very favorable. The taste of the wine is akin to a pinot grigio. There is a mineral or other type of note that completely overwhelms the taste.
Aftertaste: The aftertaste is the best part, funnily enough. The taste is nice and the finish is rather short.
Decision: I've had better wines in this price range, so I wouldn't buy this again. 70/100

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Anthony Road - 2007 Chardonnay

Tasted on: September 25, 2010
Purchased for
: $10.99
Wine Data
  • Alcohol Content: 12.7%
  • Residual Sugar: 0.5%
Beautifully clear, transparent, straw colored

: Very subtle aroma. I'm finding it hard to pinpoint the notes here.

Taste / Texture: Smooth taste. Lemon? Interesting complexities that I can't seem to define. Nice balance of acidity, alcohol, and sugar.

: Medium finish. Pleasant aftertaste.

Decision: Very pleasant chardonnay! Great value. Would buy again. 80/100.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Glenora - 2007 Pinot Noir Rosé

Tasted on : September 18, 2010
Purchased for
: $13.99

Wine Data
  • Alcohol Content: 11.5%
A lovely clear, cherry color.

Aroma: The aroma of this wine isn't very strong. I can't chalk that up to chilling since it was only the fridge for about twenty minutes. I can detect the strawberry notes the description mentions.

Taste / Texture
: The first taste is interesting because it's both sweet and dry. The strawberry note is at the forefront and dominates the taste. There's also a tinge of acidity that I find interesting. This wine doesn't have much body.

: A nice aftertaste. A weak finish, though.

Decision: A mediocre rosé wine that doesn't have any glaring defects, but overall doesn't add up to much. I've had better. I've had worse. 75/100

Friday, August 20, 2010

Flechas de los Andes - 2007 Gran Malbec

Tasted on :August 20, 2010
Purchased for
: $14.99

Wine Data
  • Alcohol Content: 14.5%
  • Residual Sugar: dry
Wine Awards:
  • 92 points - Wine Advocate


Dark, dark burgundy. Seems thick because after swirling there were no rivulets that ran down the sides of the glass.

Aroma: Wonderful cracked pepper and cherry notes.

Taste / Texture
: That's a lot of wine character! Medium-full bodied, smooth with a blast of pepper. The fruit notes take a back seat. Nice feeling on my tongue.

: Pleasant and rather long finish compared to other wines I've tasted.

: I like it! 85/100

Friday, August 13, 2010

Keuka Lake - 2007 Leon Millot

Tasted on : August 13, 2010
Purchased for
: $14.99
Wine Data
  • Alcohol Content: 11.5%
  • Residual Sugar: unknown, dry
Dark, dark red. Impenetrable by a normal table light.

Aroma: Lovely aroma. Can definitely pick out the currant / peppery note. It isn't particularly fragrant, like, you cannot smell it from several feet away; however, I don't find this is a huge drawback.

Taste / Texture: A quite different taste than I'm used to. The taste is a bit of an acquired, well, taste. Quite smooth in taste with a bit of an acidic tinge.

Aftertaste: Nice. Medium-long finish.

Decision: An interesting wine. 80/100

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Leonard Oakes - 2008 White Oakes

Tasted on: August 07, 2010
Purchased for
: $11.49
Wine Data:
  • Alcohol Content: 11%
  • Residual Sugar: 0.6%

One of the palest white wines I've encountered. The palest of yellows. Nearly colorless.

Aroma: Lovely bouquet. Not the most aromatic wine, but the notes that are there are pleasant. I cannot place the aromatic notes through smell. Perhaps the chill has dampened them (and my allergy-afflicted nose doesn't help!).

Taste / Texture: Very smooth texture. Interesting flavor. Fruit note... pear? No. The winery describes it as apple. Yes, I can agree with that. The winery also notes an allspice component, but I can't tease that apart from the flavor as a whole.

Aftertaste: Medium finish on the tongue. Aftertaste flavor is pleasant.

Decision: Very nice, mild wine. I might not buy it for myself again, but I would not turn down an offered glass or two. 80/100

Friday, July 30, 2010

Fox Run Chardonnay

Tasted on: 07/30/10
Purchased for:

Wine Data: 2007 Vintage
  • Alcohol Content: 12%
  • Residual Sugar: low
Wine Awards and Ratings:
  • Awards
Clear light straw coloring

Aroma: Subtle citrus and pear/apple scented

Taste / Texture: Medium body with explosive lemony/orangy punch that evaporates quickly leaving a slight overtone

Aftertaste: pleasant citrus tones that gently remind without being overbearing

Decision: 95/100

Friday, July 23, 2010

Hunt Country - 2007 Cabernet Franc

Tasted on: July 23, 2010
Purchased for:
Wine Data:
  • Alcohol Content: 13%
  • Residual Sugar: 0.2%

My mother and I went to Keuka Lake to do some wine tastings at wineries around there. Hunt Country was a winery that I had to visit. I bought this bottle there because I loved its taste during the tasting.

A dark, dark red - almost black.

I can detect cherries and the oak aging of the wine. Unfortunately my nose isn't working for me tonight. Needless to say, it smells quite nice.

Taste / Texture:
Delightfully dry and full of flavor. Full body and great balance between flavor, alcohol, and sugar.

Pleasant aftertaste. Medium finishing time.

There was a reason why I bought this wine after the tasting. Excellent taste. Like the winery, I would recommend this wine for any beef dish or to pair with cheeses. 90/100

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Chateau Lafayette Reneau - 2004 Cabernet Sauvignon

Tasted on: June 26, 2010
Purchased for: $9.99
Wine Data:
  • Alcohol Content: 13%
  • Residual Sugar: unknown, dry
Wine Awards and Ratings:
  • Gold, Best of Class – 08 New York Wine and Food Classic
A gorgeous color of purple. A royal and dark purple. Clear and without fault.

A wonderful bouquet marked with a cherry note. Definite notes of black pepper and perhaps oak?

Taste / Texture:
An excellent taste. I can definitely pull out the black pepper taste and some of the oak. The cherry note is in the forefront. The mouthfeel is absolutely pleasant and the body is medium. The entire wine seems balanced in notes, acidity, alcohol, and sweetness.

Aftertaste: The aftertaste is nice. It remains on the tongue for a medium length of time, possibly shortened by its dryness.

Decision: A great red wine. I think cabernet sauvignon is at the top of my red wine types. I would definitely buy this again as it is both a bargain and an excellent wine. 90/100

Friday, June 18, 2010

Swedish Hill - 2008 Dry Riesling

Tasted on: June 18, 2010
Purchased for:

Wine Data:
  • Alcohol Content: 12%
  • Residual Sugar: 0.5%
Wine Awards and Ratings:
  • Gold Medal NY Wine & Food Classic, NY 8/09
Appearance: Light green and clear. No particulates

Nice, strong riesling bouquet. Strong fruit notes, particularly pear; however, the description indicates that they are floral notes. I can see how I confused the two. Definitely clean and uncomplicated.

Taste / Texture: Great initial taste. Smooth texture with a punch of dryness, especially after eating something salty. The exact notes of flavor are difficult for me to separate out this evening, especially after my nose led me astray earlier. I'll just say that whatever the flavors, they're very nice.

Medium-short finish. Nice lingering taste.

Very agreeable dry riesling. The notes are pleasant and the dryness doesn't over- or underwhelm the wine. I'd definitely buy this one again. 85/100.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Hermann J. Wiemer - 2007 Chardonnay

Tasted on: June 4, 2010
Purchased for:

Wine Data:
  • Alcohol Content: 12.5%
  • Residual Sugar: unknown
Appearance: Nice and clear. Very, very pale yellow. No particulates.

Aroma: After a slight chill and several minutes of airing, I can already smell the chardonnay. I can detect a fruity, mango-type note in this appealing bouquet. It's hard to separate out other notes.

Taste / Texture: Dry, dry, dry. Nice mango taste. Soft and smooth mouthfeel. Alcohol a little too in the forefront, but not enough to distract.

Medium lingering time. Pleasant taste after swallowing and evaporation. The tongue is not overly coated by this vintage.

Decision: Chardonnays tend to not be my cup of tea. This one has a nice flavor and no strong strikes against it. I would consider buying it again. 80/100.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Dr. Konstantin Frank - 2007 Rkatsiteli

Tasted on: May 28, 2010
Purchased for:
Wine Data:
  • Alcohol Content: 12%
  • Residual Sugar: 0.75
  • pH: 3.43
Wine Awards and Ratings:
  • 2007 - Best of Appellation: Double Gold
  • 2007 - Amenti del Vino Competition: Double Gold
Appearance: Nice and clear. Tinged with a straw color.

Very full bouquet. A mysterious fruity note. After reading the description, I can identify the mango and pineapple aromas.

Taste / Texture:
Surprisingly sweet for the residual sugar amount. Unassuming flavor, but complex with a medium body. Each taste is interesting.

Aftertaste: Medium finish time. The aftertaste is pleasant and does not overly coat the tongue. Finishes a tad drier than it starts, but not by much.

I tried this wine since rkatsiteli is one of the oldest vinifera grape varieties. The wine, as made by Dr. Frank, is pleasant and interesting to drink, though it doesn't wow. Regardless of sugar content, it's a little too sweet and falls somewhere between dry and off-dry. I wouldn't turn down a glass of it, but I probably won't buy another bottle for myself. 75/100

Friday, April 30, 2010

Anthony Road - 2008 Dry Riesling

Tasted on: April 30, 2010
Purchased for:
Wine Data:
  • Alcohol Content: 12.4%
  • Residual Sugar: 0.7%

Clear faint yellow color with the slightest tinge of green.

Aroma: Very nice floral aroma. Not very strong, but alluring nonetheless.

Taste / Texture:
Bursting with flavor. Medium body with excellent mouth-feel. The balance of acidity, sugar, and alcohol seems perfect.

Very nice. There is a relatively long finish with a slight coating of the tongue. The aftertaste itself is quite pleasant.

I really like the taste and balance of this wine. A very solid showing for a riesling with a cloying sweetness that doesn't affect its dryness. I would pair this wine with a light summer dish, perhaps even something with shrimp. 90/100

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fox Run - 2007 Cabernet Franc Lemberger

Tasted on: April 27, 2009
Purchased for: $11.99

Wine Data:
  • Alcohol Content: 12%
  • Residual Sugar: 0%

Appearance: Lovely dark red, so dark and rich that little light shows through when held up to a lamp.

Aroma: As I let the wine air on the table next to my recliner, I occasionally caught a whaff of its bouquet. When held to the nose, I detected notes of fruit/berry.

Taste / Texture: A very, very dry wine. There are notes of berry. The body is slightly thin. I can also detect the pepper note.

Aftertaste: A rather fast finish compared to other wines that I've had. The aftertaste is pleasant.

Decision: 80/100. Pleasant red wine. The dry factor overwhelms the taste. I feel that even a 0.3% RS would make a huge difference in the palatability of this wine. I certainly wouldn't turn down a glass of it, but it's not among the best reds that I've had.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

2007 - Keuka Lake Estate White

Tasted on: March 27, 2010
Purchased for: $9.99

Wine Data:
  • Alcohol Content: 10.5%

  • Residual Sugar: unknown

Appearance: Clear. Light green-yellow tint.

Aroma: Fruity bouquet.

Taste / Texture: Unique taste. I'm getting a note that I haven't experienced before, but it's hard to describe. Almost smoky. Lovely mouthfeel.

Aftertaste: Medium-long finish with lingering flavors being pleasant for the tongue.

Decision: A nice value wine. I don't have much more than that to say about it. 75/100.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Brotherhood - 2006 Pinot Noir

Tasted on: March 12, 2010
Purchased for: $15.49

Wine Data:
  • Alcohol Content: 13%

  • Residual Sugar: less than 0.3%


Appearance: Dark red with great clarity. Very pretty gem hue.

Aroma: A cherry, berry bouquet. Very pleasant and pleasing aroma. Not overwhelming.

Taste / Texture: Wonderful mouth-feel. Great balance of sugar, acidity, and alcohol. Berry and oak notes.

Aftertaste: Ends a bit woody. Medium finish. The tongue feels coated, but not with a parka, but a spring jacket.

Decision: A pleasant red wine with no overt flaws; however, I've tasted better wine for less wallet. I'm neither dismayed nor exhilarated by this wine. I wouldn't mind having it again, but I probably won't seek it out. 75/100.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Swedish Hill Viking Red

Tasted on: Friday, March 5, 2010
Purchased for: $6.99 750ml

Wine Data:
  • Alcohol Content: 12%

  • Residual Sugar: .05%
Wine Awards and Ratings:

  • "Best Red Hybrid Blend" NY Wine & Food Classic, NY 8/09

  • "Best Red Hybrid Blend" NY Wine & Food Classic, NY 8/08

  • Gold Medal & Best of Class San Francisco Chronicle, CA 1/08


Appearance: Deep garnet hue with faint opacity

Aroma: Subtle cherry/berry fruit with a slight wafting of oak. Lightly scented.

Taste / Texture: Soft beginning of berry that gains momentum as it coats the tongue in its velvet cloak. The oak becomes more noticeable when the liquid strikes the back of the palate.

Aftertaste: The wine quickly vaporizes upon swallowing yet leaves a footprint of is pleasant character. The mixture of berries continues to remind.

Decision: This New York Table Wine is an extremely good value for the product that you get. The mixture of French Hybrid and vinifera grapes is practically perfected. One can't expect a better red table wine! I will definitely be buying this again. I'll give it a 90/100 for the great value as well as the flavor that this wine possesses.

Hunt Country - 2008 Seyval Blanc

Tasted on: March 5, 2010
Purchased for: $7.99
Wine Data:
  • Alcohol Content: 12%
  • Residual Sugar: 1%
  • pH: 3.3
  • Total Acidity: 8.7 g/L
Wine Awards and Ratings
  • Seyvals from Hunt Country have won 6 Gold and Double Gold medals since 2004

Appearance: Transparent, greenish-yellow hue with a medium intensity.

Aroma: Clean, fruity pear aroma. Very nice.

Taste / Texture: Sweeter than I expected, but still off-dry. Intense fruit flavor that I can't really identify. Medium-thin body. The pH, alcohol, and acidity seem balanced.

Aftertaste: Aftertaste is pleasant. Medium finish.

Decision: Excellent value wine. The taste is pleasant and very well balanced. I would buy it again. 85/100

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bully Hill - Bulldog Baco Noir

Tasted on: February 27, 2010
Purchased for: $6.99

Wine Data:
  • Alcohol Content: 11%

  • Residual Sugar: unknown, but labeled as very dry

Appearance: A dark, blood red with little transparency.

Aroma: Absolutely wonderful bouquet. Hints of pepper intermingled with a strong fruit background.

Taste / Texture: The pepper taste is at the forefront and I like that more than I thought that I would. It waters the mouth a bit and bites at the taste buds. There's a sweetness or lemony acidity in the first taste, but the wine is absolutely dry. It leaves me a tad confused. The notes seem off-balanced.

Aftertaste: Pleasant. A medium-short finish. The dryness doesn't leave the mouth a desert upon finishing.

Decision: This wine is very interesting and would best be paired with a strong red meat dish. I've had better red wines and I've had worse! 75/100.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Four Chimneys - Kingdom White

Tasted on: February 20, 2010
Purchased for: $9.99

Wine Data:
  • Alcohol Content: 12%

  • Residual Sugar: unknown

Appearance: Lovely light, pale yellow. No particulates.

Aroma: Strong fruity and oaked bouquet.

Taste / Texture: Initially thin and lacking flavor, but the taste quickly catches up and is well-balanced and flavorful. I can't distinguish the notes very well in this wine, but they seem to go together very well.

Aftertaste: Quick finish. Pleasant aftertaste.

Decision: First of all, I need to point out that this is an organically-produced wine. This is a novelty, especially in the Finger Lakes. The taste doesn't compare to some other FL dry white blends that I've had, but it is definitely respectable. I think that over chilling it will dull the flavor, so I would be careful with that. 80/100

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Bully Hill - Chardonel

Tasted on: February 17, 2010
Purchased for: $8.99

Wine Data:
  • Alcohol Content:11%

  • Residual Sugar:unknown - dry


Appearance: Lovely straw color. Very clear - no particulates.

Aroma: Crisp, melon bouquet. I can also smell a floral note too. Very nice aroma.

Taste / Texture: Wow. Complex taste on first sip. Very strong beginning. Melon note is the strongest. There is a note that I cannot identify that almost has a minerality to it, but not so bitter or moisture-sucking. Lovely medium body.

Aftertaste: Coats the tongue a bit. The aftertaste is nice and reminiscent of the primary tasting.

Decision: A great everyday wine. I would recommend drinking it in warmer weather with a nice southern-style meal. 85/100

Friday, February 12, 2010

Heron Hill - 2005 Eclipse Red

Tasted on: February 12, 2009
Purchased for: $11

Wine Data:
  • Alcohol Content: 12.5%

  • Residual Sugar: 0.02%

Appearance: Dark, dark red-purple. Opaque. Would love to have a dress in this color!

Aroma: Very, very pleasant bouquet. I'd dab it behind my ears if I weren't drinking it! Sort of smells peppery - is that the currants? Has a cherry note rounded out by the oak aging. My naive nose doesn't detect a complex aroma.

Taste / Texture: Full-bodied and very nice mouth-feel. Doesn't taste as sweet as it smells. The forefront taste is a subdued cherry. The acidity feels a little strong, but I'm new at evaluating this aspect of wines.

Aftertaste: Long finish. The wine coats the tongue and leaves a pleasant aftertaste.

Decision: Very pleasant dry red wine. I would pair it with a nice dark chocolate or a light seafood dish or salad. It's more of an everyday wine than a special occasion wine. I would purchase again if I had a food pairing in mind. 80/100

Friday, January 29, 2010

Goose Watch 2006 Lemberger

Tasted on: January 29, 2010
Purchased for: $ 13.99

Wine Data:
  • Alcohol Content: 12.8%

  • Residual Sugar: 0%
Wine Awards and Ratings:
  • N/A

Appearance: The color is a deep claret that is practically opaque.

Aroma: Intense berry and cherry overtones accompany slight oak and earthy undertones.

Taste / Texture: Very dry with bold, distinctive flavors of a variety of berries. The pepper taste hits a high note as the wine travels to the back of the tongue. Surprisingly smooth once the berries take over after the shock of the initial acidic entry.

Aftertaste: The peppery taste creates a grand finale that slowly vaporizes. This wine has ego!

Decision: The wine will pair well with cheeses, game and a variety of meats. The intense fruitiness of the wine requires a complimentary partner such as a roasted pork loin or a grilled steak. I'd probably purchase this wine again should the opportunity present itself. I give it a rating of 80/100

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hunt country - Alchemy

Tasted on: January 2, 2010
Purchased for: ~$14

Wine Data:
  • Alcohol Content:12.5%
  • Residual Sugar:0.4%
  • pH: 3.6

Appearance: Brilliant dark reddish-mulberry. Nearly opaque in its intense color.

Aroma: Lovely bouquet dominated by the oak-aged grapes. The cherry and pepper notes take a back seat to the lovely oak aroma.

Taste / Texture: I can definitely identify the black cheery, oak, and pepper notes of this wine. Medium-body with an excellent mouthfeel.

Aftertaste: The aftertaste is rather long and pleasant. The wine ends on a harmonious note.

Decision: Excellent, excellent red wine. I love the combination of grapes which seem to work in a seamless fashion in presenting their flavors. This wine would best be paired with a stronger meal or cheese. I am most impressed. 95/100.

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